Jeanne Louise Calment
Jeanne Louise Calment was born on February 21, 1875 – August 4 1997 has the longest confirmed human lifespan in history. She lived to the age of 122 years, 164 days. Jeanne Louise Calment lived in Arles, France, her whole life. She outlived her daughter and grandson by many decades.
Fun Facts
Fun Facts
- She had only one daughters and her spouse was Fernand Calment (lived: 1868–1942; married: 1896–1942).
- Jeanne said she met Vincent van Gogh when she was thirteen years old. She said he came into her uncle's shop in 1888. She found him to be "Dirty, badly dressed and disagreeable."
- Her husband was her double second cousin, and their paternal grandmothers were also sisters.
- Her husband was wealthy and Jeanne did not have to work.
- Her hobbies were tennis, cycling, swimming, rollerskating, piano, and opera.
- Her husband died at 73 or 74 after eating a rotten cherry pie.
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